Monday, December 20, 2010

Forgetten about habits

Time together with changing of thoughts can really make a person forgot about the habits that he or she used to have. No matter the habits are good or bad... What can changed a person thought in this world? And when it change how to make sure that those good habits are retained even though some of the things in life had changed.

Discipline is one of the key. Successful persons need discipline? or just passion is enough? and is preservation consider as one of the discipline? In the end, what is right and what is wrong about this? No one knows... no one may ever know...


Anonymous said...

To be successful, need to be discipline.
But we are not always wish to be success and so we dont have to be always discipline.
Then only we can enjoy the excitement of life... XD

Hedgehog Agility said...

Embarking on the journey to success by utilizing discipline can also be one of the excitement of life.
Got discipline not necessary means no excitement in life...
Excitement that comes with no discipline doesn't last long and will give adverse effect.